Northern Knits & Knots
Shayna specializes in knitted and crocheted products; blankets, booties, scarves, dish cloths, scrubbies, hats, toques and headbands. Custom orders always welcome!
Shayna Fermaniuk at [email protected]
Instagram northernknitsnknots
Norther Knits and Knots on Facebook
Returns mid-March 2024.
Attends weekly year-round
Shayna specializes in knitted and crocheted products; blankets, booties, scarves, dish cloths, scrubbies, hats, toques and headbands. Custom orders always welcome!
Shayna Fermaniuk at [email protected]
Instagram northernknitsnknots
Norther Knits and Knots on Facebook
Returns mid-March 2024.
Attends weekly year-round